About AVA


History of AVA

Africa Vision Academy is a vision and a dream, a multi-dimensional non-governmental organization, which aims to see and make Africa a great and prosperous continent where people can work together, think differently and wisely use the resources God gave them to bring a great change in the evolution of human history.

Indeed, no one can deny the fact that Africa has been victim of countless atrocities and wickedness from other continents, throughout history. AVA believes that this is the season for Africa to rise, fulfil her destiny, and free herself from different yokes and bondages that are trying to stop her from doing so.

This vision was technically born in October 2018 and started with the prayer branch called Africa Global Intercessors, a group that is praying for every African country on the day of their independence to date.


AVA is a Christian vision that exists for the expansion of the kingdom of God in Africa and the world. AVA is setting the challenge to build a new and transformed Africa where people can live together without discrimination of religion, gender, tribe, etc.


A new and transformed Africa.


Training and raising a new and godly generation through the seven mountains of influence, Biblical and Christ-centered teaching.


We believe in God, we believe in Africa

Core Values

Biblical and Christ-centered

We believe that the Bible is the highest authority of Christian Scriptures. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of the world and the Son of God who paid the ransom for human salvation and remains the perfect model in words and conduct to emulate in order to make Africa great.

Being excellent in what we do, planning and organising strategically well everything we do as the Master of the universe has done. Doing things with professionalism, not amateurism.

There is a divine power and grace, talent and potential in every human being which discovered can bring a huge positive impact in Africa. Being creative in finding solutions to Africa’s problems and focusing on an integral impact is crucial for us

We believe in the development and well-being of the total man in every aspect, be it spiritual, physical, emotional, or psychological, etc. We work toward this ideal of responding to the issues affecting the total being of mankind.

We believe that God has cared for every generation from the beginning of the world till date. So, we believe in caring and planning for the next generations and current ones without compromising or transgressing any fundamental principle or creational law.

Training scholars to challenge the status quo and bring relevant and innovative solutions to African problems using generational thinking.

Serving God and humanity is a great virtue we believe in and work with in order to be effectively engaged and active in transforming our communities.