Africa Vision Academy

A new and transformed Africa.

AVA is setting the challenge to build a new and transformed Africa where people can live together without discrimination of religion, gender, tribe, etc.


We believe in Africa

Africa Vision Academy is a vision and a dream, a multi-dimensional non-governmental organization, which aims to see and make Africa a great and prosperous continent where people can work together, think differently and wisely use the resources God gave them to bring a great change in the evolution of human history.


AVA as a system and an empire has seven branches based on the seven mountains of influence.

AVA Ministries
AVA Family Care
AVA Government & Leadership Institute
AVA Business & Investments
AVA Media
AVA Education & Research
AVA Arts& Entertainment

Prayer Weeks

AVA as a vision uses prayer as a master key for all her actions. Every year, the group observes seven prayer weeks

Events and days celebrated by AVA


AVA is open and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate and partner with individuals, organizations, entities and ministries which aim at making Africa great, expanding God's kingdom in the world, raising a new and godly generation on one of the seven mountains of influence, serving and blessing humanity in various forms.