AVA is setting the challenge to build a new and transformed Africa where people can live together without discrimination of religion, gender, tribe, etc.
AVA as a system and an empire has seven branches based on the seven mountains of influence.
We intercede for Africa and present its problems to God with adequate actions to be taken.
We pray for AVA as a body and system and ask God to raise men to advance His kingdom through this vision
We present our complaints and displeasure to God about every wickedness and injustice done to Africa.
We bring under arrest every enemy of Africa and put them under calvary defeat by the power of God.
A moment of spiritual refreshment, strategic evaluation and revival of our personal prayer altars.
Dedicated to the salvation of Muslims in Africa and in the world and spiritual warfare against Islamic terrorism.
is a call to Christian homes and the body of Christ to wake up for mission by praying, financing and visiting mission fields.
June 16
May 30
March 8
AVA is open and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate and partner with individuals, organizations, entities and ministries which aim at making Africa great, expanding God's kingdom in the world, raising a new and godly generation on one of the seven mountains of influence, serving and blessing humanity in various forms.
AVA’s mission is to train and raise a new and godly generation through the seven mountains of influence, Biblical and Christ-centered teaching.
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Website by Katapult Global